Support the Employee Free Choice Act by Watching this Funny Video

The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is a bill that will go some ways to make getting a union a more fair process. Right now the boss can intimidate at will while dragging out the election process for months. Even after the election the boss can delay the process for years sometimes. EFCA goes back to the spirit of the Wagner Act. Jobs with Justice has this video. You can check out the campaign at

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I Will Always Miss Seyoum

I have a clan theory of humanity. According to this theory, there are a finite number of basic personality types and a finite number of basic body types. When you find someone who has your basic body type and your basic personality type, you have found a member of your clan. A little over a week ago the patriarch of my clan died. Seyoum Lewis was a giant of a man in many ways. He was an organizer for decades and a man of great principle. He laughed, hugged, and called people out all with great love. Below is a video by Sistah Nedra. The first five minutes are an interview with Angela, Seyoum's colleague at the People's Institute for Survival and Beyond. At the 5:15 mark is an interview with Seyoum. Watch this and know that I will always miss Seyoum.

Good bye compa~nero.

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