Fight for Living Wages at Agnes Scott

Atlanta Jobs with Justice has sent out a call for support for workers at Agnes Scott College. Friday, October 26 at 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM on the corner of E. College Ave. and S. McDonough. I'm reprinting the original call below. You can find some more information on the Agnes Scott Living Wage Blog, but it looks like it's a out of date.

Atlanta JwJ/Atlanta Transit Riders Union has been working with and supporting the Agnes Scott College worker/student Living Wage campaign for some time, because we understand that creating justice on this campus is morally correct, and it helps create conditions for justice elsewhere. And now, workers and students are asking for our support this Friday. They want to demonstrate to the ASC Board of Trustees that students, workers, and community favor human rights, over privilege and oppression.

The ASC Board of Trustees has been making empty promises to respect the dignity and the human rights of ASC workers by providing Living Wages & Decision Making Power. But thus far, they've done very little to live up to those promises. We know all too well about Atlanta's history of empty promises; they made promises at MARTA; they're making promises at Grady; Barney Simms and Renee Glover are making promises in Housing. None have ever or will ever be kept without our voices!

The Agnes Scott Living Wage Campaign is having a Rally on Friday, October 26th at 10:00 AM until 11:00 AM on the corner of E. College Ave. and S. McDonough. Please invite your friends to this event

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