My Letter to Spirit Airlines
Posted On Wednesday, August 06, 2008 at at 9:05 AM by Dan
Dear Madam or Sir:
I signed Spirit Airlines email top picks maybe a year or so ago. To be honest, I've never flown Spirit but the idea of flying somewhere for $9 appealed to me so I kept my subscription. It's not that I had anything against your airline, it's just that I didn't want to go where you flew when you were flying there. However, I'm sure that given enough time I would have bought a ticket.
You may have noticed that I used the past tense throughout the above paragraph. That's because I want to cancel my email subscription and inform you I will not be buying a ticket on Spirit matter what. The reason is because your support of offshore oil drilling, along with your alleged support of "other plans," offends me. It didn't help that when I went to your website the ad looked like a parody of a National Lampoon movie. Seriously, what does a beautiful woman's ass have to do with national energy policy?
The arguments against offshore oil drilling are pretty well known. The oil won't be processed for something like a decade, the amount of oil in the Gulf of Mexico is enough for only 3 days use, the spills (and count on the fact there will be spills) will have a negative impact on the environment and tourism, etc. As an airline I'm sure you can see how oil-soaked beaches could convince people on planning a mountain vacation. If you want to see what a lack of wetlands can do to a city after a hurricane, check out New Orleans. As an airline that flies to Florida, which has a lot of tourist beaches and hurricanes, you might want to call a meeting and connect some dots.
What was offensive to me about your email was your claim that it will "help keep fares low". That's a bald-faced lie. You have to know that's a lie. Of course, it's totally possible you knew it was a lie and said it anyway. McCain flipped and Obama caved on the issue and both have to know there's no chance gas prices will be affected by their oil company giveaway. On the outside chance that maybe the management of your airline isn't lying and is instead just stupid, check out this pdf by the Sierra Club. It should bring you up to speed.
You have to see I'm faced with a bad set of options now. As I see it, your airline sent out an email with an obvious lie, a clumsy attempt to pander to all sides of the issue, and then topped it off with an Howard Stern-esque ad in the vain hope a cute booty would distract from it all. Or your airline sent out out a claim without doing even basic research, made a clumsy attempt to pander to all sides, and then...yada, yada, yada. Either way I'm not filled with confidence in your ability to take me to 20,000+ feet and back down again on time and in one piece. I'm going to hedge my bets and cut off all ties now. Please cancel my email subscription.
You may have noticed that I used the past tense throughout the above paragraph. That's because I want to cancel my email subscription and inform you I will not be buying a ticket on Spirit matter what. The reason is because your support of offshore oil drilling, along with your alleged support of "other plans," offends me. It didn't help that when I went to your website the ad looked like a parody of a National Lampoon movie. Seriously, what does a beautiful woman's ass have to do with national energy policy?
The arguments against offshore oil drilling are pretty well known. The oil won't be processed for something like a decade, the amount of oil in the Gulf of Mexico is enough for only 3 days use, the spills (and count on the fact there will be spills) will have a negative impact on the environment and tourism, etc. As an airline I'm sure you can see how oil-soaked beaches could convince people on planning a mountain vacation. If you want to see what a lack of wetlands can do to a city after a hurricane, check out New Orleans. As an airline that flies to Florida, which has a lot of tourist beaches and hurricanes, you might want to call a meeting and connect some dots.
What was offensive to me about your email was your claim that it will "help keep fares low". That's a bald-faced lie. You have to know that's a lie. Of course, it's totally possible you knew it was a lie and said it anyway. McCain flipped and Obama caved on the issue and both have to know there's no chance gas prices will be affected by their oil company giveaway. On the outside chance that maybe the management of your airline isn't lying and is instead just stupid, check out this pdf by the Sierra Club. It should bring you up to speed.
You have to see I'm faced with a bad set of options now. As I see it, your airline sent out an email with an obvious lie, a clumsy attempt to pander to all sides of the issue, and then topped it off with an Howard Stern-esque ad in the vain hope a cute booty would distract from it all. Or your airline sent out out a claim without doing even basic research, made a clumsy attempt to pander to all sides, and then...yada, yada, yada. Either way I'm not filled with confidence in your ability to take me to 20,000+ feet and back down again on time and in one piece. I'm going to hedge my bets and cut off all ties now. Please cancel my email subscription.