Some Notes on Comments

This blog has never gotten many comments so I've not felt the need to have any kind of policy. I've said before I don't like anonymous comments and usually reject them unless the commenter has a good reason. However, my repost of "Some Analysis of Atlanta Police Brutality & Queer People" has generated a bit of comments and all of them are anonymous. I've only posted one and here's why.

Even a casual glance at any daily newspaper site, magazine, blog, etc. shows that the comments section become a haven for white supremacists and fascists to blame people of color, women, and/or poor people for everything. They do it by hiding behind anonymous names. Now I have a job. I understand that if everyone on that job knew about everything I've written or said my life on that job would be more difficult. To that end, I don't have my full name and address on this blog. But this site has been up for some time and if someone wants to disagree with me there's an email contact where they can do that. Anonymous comments, particularly ones that are white supremacist, et. al, are one shot deals without accountability. That doesn't fly unless you got a good reason.

If the comment substantially adds something to the conversation, if you make the case that your information would affect your job or safety, if you want to post a link or suggestion for further information, I will accept the comment. If you repeat something that's been said already, or if you want to challenge people to "strap on a badge and pistol and see how big your attitude is when your [sic] standing alone in the ghetto," then I'm going to delete your comment. Why? Some of the reason is because you don't know. Do a little reading and think about it. Or, here's an idea, post an identity (like a name or email address) and invite a conversation.

Just a thought or two.

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